Buy portable plastic shredder granulating machine suppliers Price


portable plastic shredder granulating machine suppliers

plastic granulating machine suppliers

There is an old saying: "The older I get, the less I know." "After 35 years of answering questions about crushing and grinding equipment, I continue to understand what the equipment is for and what it is used for, and I am often reminded why this sounds right. For this reason, I am inclined to ask more and more questions about each application.

At the same time, however, I find that some comments, questions, questions, and situations are quite common and often a little surprising. Let me share some here.

"But the throughput rating is..." I took a lot of calls about throughput. Some of these involve potential customers who have determined the devices they want to purchase based on the size/throughput of the new application, while many others involve changes in throughput as existing granulators migrate to new applications.

For a new machine, someone might say, "I'm thinking about this machine because I need 400 pounds/hour." "But when we talk about applications, I often come up with different suggestions and tell them, "If you need to make that particular material into 400-pound-per-hour particles, this machine can't do it." "You need to look at this model. "

"But why? "Your website says 400 pounds per hour. "

"Yes," I replied, "but 400 pounds of this material is not the same as 400 pounds." "In fact, some materials are harder to granullate than others. For example, the most granular material in the world is polystyrene. It processes much faster than polyethylene or polypropylene. The difference in throughput is between days and nights, which can be 40%.

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However, even if you are granulating the same material, the differences in throughput and performance are still huge. A granulator that works well in one application usually does not work in another. For example, a customer buys a grinder for injection-molded PET pre-forming - very dense widgets that will be blown into larger bottles or kettles. If you choose a machine to grind PET prefabs, you don't need a large hopper or cutting chamber, although you need the ability to cut quite thick parts. So you can use a smaller grinder, equipped with a tangent ingenuity chamber, a three-blade rotor, and a little extra horsepower. Because regrinding is so dense, you don't need a huge dumper.

But if you move the granulator along the production line to the place where pet bottle chips are produced, you may find that the cutting chamber is too narrow - either the bottle doesn't fit, or you can't get the bottle through the chamber, hopper and rotor smoothly to keep the yield. And because the density of the bottle wall material is much smaller - much lighter - it doesn't fall from the screen to the drain box so easily. It also overflows the container more quickly.

So if you want a granulator that can provide the throughput you need for both applications, you need to do some preparatory work in advance. Depending on the situation, a better granulation solution might include a larger hopper, an overcut chamber, a five-leaf rotor, a larger drain, and a very likely blower system that not only drains the hopper, but also allows the light bottle to regrind smoothly in the machine. You don't need a large hopper or blower when you switch back to pre-formed, but you'll appreciate the five-leaf rotor and extra horsepower.

Sir Isaac Newton's third law states that each force has an equal and opposite reaction force. This applies not only to physics. In the plastics industry, for example, the ban on disposable items such as plastic bags and straws is prompting a growing reaction to the use of more consumer plastics.

Buy portable plastic shredder machine

That's where another law, the law on unintended consequences, comes into play: the use of more post-consumer plastics requires more comprehensive recycling, thereby increasing the wealth of some stores set up to promote plastic production. An example? Rotogran International Inc. has just moved out of its headquarters. turned into a larger manufacturing plant in the nearby town of Bolton.

Planning progress

Rotogran is a North American manufacturer of diameter reduction equipment for the plastics and recycling industry, custom design and construction of granulators, fine-grain separators, evacuation systems, and feed conveyors with metal separators. In 1982, entrepreneur Mike Mike llides founded the company at Vaughn, and after Mike Cill, then vice president of sales at Rotogran, bought Mike Cyr after His retirement in 2013.

Cyr's ambitions were suppressed, and from the first day he owned the company, he made a substantial change to the company. "As soon as I bought Rotogran, I started expanding my product line to fill the gap in the scale-down range I've seen," says Cyr. "We doubled the existing granulator model.

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